DPC CN Division II Summer Tour - 2021/2022 presented by Perfect World Esports
Organized and produced by Perfect World Esports, DPC China Division II is the official secondary-level competition for China in Valve's DOTA Pro Circuit. Each season, top teams in Division II have the chance to rise into Division I. Representing the global standard in DOTA 2 professional play, the DPC Leagues are capped by the DPC Majors and ultimately The International. DOTA2职业巡回赛—中国联赛是由完美世界电竞主办,VALVE官方指定的DOTA2官方联赛。每赛季,参与A级联赛的队伍将会有机会竞争升往S级联赛的名额。赛事旨在锻造全球DOTA2职业生态的核心赛事体系,为战队以及队员提供更加健全和公平的竞技平台,为他们冲击更高水平的职业赛事提供阶梯。